


1st The Garden and the Meadow  Lammas StoryWalk. A  circular storywalk from our East Anchorage Garden, Newport Transporter Bridge to Great Traston Meadows


24th Midsummer Sunset Walk

3hr walk from Christchurch to watch the sunset over Twmbarlwm from the Transporter Bridge.   SOLD OUT


2nd  Bridge to St Brigid – A walk exploring  the origins of St. Brigid/Bride/Ffraid and her connections with the Welsh coastline. Part of Chepstow Walking Festival. More info and tickets here

27th Furrow  new performance work. Part of Celebrating Sheela na gig festival info and tickets for the performance and/or the whole weekend festival here


18th Walk Bridge to St Brigid. A walk exploring the origins of St. Brigid/Bride/Ffraid and her connections with the Welsh coastline.  SOLD OUT


30th  7pm Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff



7th-9th  Beyond the Border Festival Dinefwr Park 

Christine Watkins and friends will be performing stories from the Washer sequence throughout the weekend at this glorious festival.



21st 7.00pm

Hard Hats and Hi Vis – Solstice Sundown Walk from Christchurch Newport via Beechwood Park to the Transporter Bridge where we will have special access to the visitor centre under construction, and view the sunset over Twmbarlwm



13th CARAD in Rhaeadr Gwy/Rhayader presents amn evening of Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Women, including Christine Watkins’ stories of the amazing Wye and riverwoman Angela Jones, music, aerial performance, cocktails. Doors open 6pm

 30th The Bank Vaults Aberystwyth 7.30pm The Night Washers


11th  By popular request… our ‘Crossing Places’ walk from Newport to Caerleon is being offered again as part of the wonderful Chepstow Walking Festival. You can book your place on this or any of the other wonderful walks on offer here –  

28th-30th  Celebrating Sheela na Gig at Beltane. A weekend of events, workshops and performances in Glastonbury. Details and booking via eventbrite Sheela na gig at Beltane


29th  Book launch – Mothering Performance:Maternal Action (Routledge 2023). Register on eventbrite ‘Mothering Performance


4th/5th  4th weekend of Storyweaver Course


13th  6pm Undy/Magor  OrchardWassail

come and toast the fruit trees in song and story!



12th 5pm  livestream  with Yukiko Amaya (link to be added)


26th-27th  3rd weekend of Storyweaver Course


21st-27th International Priestess Convocation – The Great Remembering

I will be in Crete taking part in Performance Presentation at this wonderful convocation. Tickets for the convocation are available from

8th-9th    2nd weekend of Storyweaver Course

1st    Wood and Water – A walk in and around Tryleg/Trelleck near Monmouth

We will be treading some well-known and less well-known paths, visiting the Virtuous Well, Cleddon Shoots, Ninewells Wood, Harold’s Stones, forgotten ironworks hidden away amongst the trees… This is a free event but you will need to  register


10th/11th Storyweaver Course. First of 4 weekends

An Exploration over 4 weekends for anyone who wants to develop their path as a teller, weaver or dreamer of stories.  Details


18th Between the Crossing Places

A walk upriver from Newport Transporter bridge to Caerleon Bridge along the west bank of the River Usk.  This is a free event but places are limited so you need to book your place by registering –


30th Newport Ship

Storytelling in celebration of the amazing Newport Ship.


21st  Solstice Stories at Newport Transporter Bridge

19:30 – 22:00   Come and sit with me in the gondola high above the river as we weave some tales for the longest day.

(Numbers are strictly limited for this event, so please book your ticket) eventbrite link for Summer Solstice event


23rd/24th H O M E (Here on Mother Earth)/ Mamddaear ar Lafar

I’m leading a workshop for the Chwedl network of women storytellers in Wales, based on the themes of Storytelling, Land and Ritual.  Open to women storytellers of all levels of experience. Each day will run from 10am-4pm at The Atrium (University of South Wales), in central Cardiff.  Email for more details and to apply for a place.

27th A Toast to the Lighthouse

17.00-19.00 Magor Marsh  I’m delighted to be joining artist Alison Neighbour on her walk exploring the (Future) Wales Coastal Path…and weaving a story or two on the way…  Come and join us! go to eventbrite ticket link

30th SheelaVerse

12-1.30pm Goddess House, Magdalena Street, Glastonbury. Spoken word workshop exploring the nature of Sheela na gig. Part of the Celebrating Sheela na gig weekend of celebrations facilitated by Glastonbury Goddess Temple. For more info or to reserve a place contact



16th Storywalk and talk in the hills of Torfaen, with Frank Olding.


11th ‘We drum our path across the Heron’s Marsh’ Performance/Ritual with Carolyn Hillyer and Carol Asuray as part of Braided River confluence, Scorriton, Dartmoor.


I will be taking part in various events during the wonderful Beyond the Border International Storytelling Festival at Dinefwr.  Online festival 26 June-10 July, Live festival 2-4 July.


6th and 20th May and 3rd and 17th June.  Travelling in Story – a short course exploring the many faces of Goddess and our relationship with Her in story.  Registration via eventbrite.



13th December Gawain and the Green Knight  With Christine Watkins, blanche Rowen and Mike Gulston. presented by Living Levels Partnership.


13th October   I will be speaking about aspects of this ongoing exploration as part of PERFORMANCE AND THE MATERNAL a series of  online forums that consider how maternal performance helps us to understand the lived condition of motherhood. The forums run from 6th October -3rd November  Registration for these events is free.

ENGAGE…conversations conceived across performance studies and the maternal


Saturday 26th   Harvest of Footsteps online day-workshop with Christine Watkins and Bear Priestess Louisa Potter. This workshop has an autumn theme of reflection and harvest. At its core lies storytelling, and story writing, journey work and reflection.

Louisa have worked together in the past to bring ‘fusion’ workshops of glass-walking and storyweaving.  Here we are creating an online workshop from the Highlands of Scotlands and the Welsh borders…  Contact us for more info or to book your place.


((*Alas, all scheduled events cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19 restrictions.  I look forward to being able to reschedule as soon as possible* 25/3/2020))  I will be offering a performative talk as part of my Siôl Fagu work.

Saturday 25th Walk and story in the lost industrial landscapes of the Eastern Valley. Christine Watkins and Frank Olding details and how to book coming soon.


Sunday 9th  ST BRIDE AND THE FEBRUARY LANDSCAPE. An exploration of the land and her stories as winter begins to draw to a close. With Christine Watkins and Senior Conservation Ecologist with Gwent Wildlife Trust Andy Karran.



13th Stories at the Winter Fireside. The Farmers Arms Goldcliff 7.30pm with musician Guto Dafis.


7th Workshops, demonstrations and discussion 1st HARVEST: SHAWLS AND HALLOWS The Atrium, CARDIFF  7/9/19   10am-4.30pm  Tickets available here


13th 12-6pm Magor Marsh ‘Life on Marsh’ . Stories and songs from the Gwent Levels with Christine Watkins and Guto Dafis, and full programme of marshy events!

6th First Friday, 7.30pm The Cwtsh, Stow Hill, Newport. Guest speaker, book signing.


20th-1st July Origines Festival, Le Trouillet, France

9th Newport Wetlands story from Gwent Folk Tales as part of Timeline launch event 11am onwards


31st Gwent Folk Tales. 7.30pm at The Farmers Arms, Goldcliff. Stories and Songs from the Levels. I’ll be signing copies of my new book and telling a tale or two. With music from Guto Dafis. This is a free event, but please register here to book your free place.

2nd The Empress of Ice Cream performance at Medina, Market St, Aberystwyth. 7.30pm. Tickets available direct from the venue.


24th Wednesday April 24th Penarth Pier Pavilion 7.30 for 8pm Buy tickets

19th-21st The Mysterium, Glastonbury.

March 6th Stories of Science with Christine Watkins, Eve North and Dr. Tim Davis. Part of Cardiff Science Festival. * this event is now fully booked *

May 2018

This month of May will find me bringing stories to The Fountain Inn,  Herefordshire, The Cletwr, Ceredigion, Garth Barns in Powys… but mainly I will be pulling in the last threads of stories for my book of Gwent Folk Tales which goes to the publishers later this summer. Look out for the blog, coming soon…. and look out, too, for more dates for The Empress of Ice Cream following our lovely premiere in Cardiff Bay…

APRIL 2018 

Wednesday 25th  7.30pm Premiere of The Empress of Ice-Cream, Look-out Cafe Bar, Porth Teigr, Cardiff.  Tickets available now £5.00 from Lookout or contact me via this site or on facebook.


DECEMBER 2017 – This month I will be mostly wandering the lanes and hills of Gwent preparing Monmouthshire Folk Tales for The History Press.  

…And seeing the New Year in with tales of midwinter regeneration by the fire at Garth Barns, Llanidloes.


Wednesday 1st  Tales of Transformation – Fountain Inn Storytelling, Orcop Hill 7.30 for 8pm

Thursday 2nd  National Museum, Cardiff/Amgueddfa Genedlaethol, Caerdydd Museum after Dark – stories with the Institute of Physics scientists.

8-11  On tour with Science Stories, “Something Different’ Institute of Physics, Wales, details below –

Friday 10th  Aberystwyth Bandstand  5.30-7pm

Saturday 11th Bangor, Blue Sky Cafe 7-8.30pm

Sunday 12th  Great Orme Brewery, Llandudno 5.30-7pm


Wednesday 11th Storymaking Workshop as part of Goddess experience Week Glastonbury

Saturday 14th Storytelling for Healing Tents  retreat with Sophie Bashford at Garth Barns, Llanidloes

Tuesday 24th Storytelling workshop for scientists and science communicators with Wales Institute of Physics, Cardiff


Wednesday 6th 7.30pm Aare River Ride – songs and stories from a journey along the Aare.  Christine Watkins and Helen Terrett, Fountain Inn, Orcop Hill, Herefordshire.

Saturday 16th Garth Barns, Llanidloes (private event)

Sunday 17th Community Gardens tour storytelling, Plymouth.  For more info contact

Saturday 30th Newport Wetlands RSPB storytrail event.


Wednesday 2nd  1.30-2.30  Rhamanta! (Mamiaith)   Storytelling at  the Assembly Rooms, Glastonbury Goddess Conference .

Friday 11th  7pm Sea Dragon Stories  Look Out Cafe Bar, Tiger Bay, CF10 4GA Cardiff.

The Exxpedition Team are sailing around Britain, testing the seas for plastics and toxins. On 11th August they’ll be in Cardiff. They’ll be sharing  stories from their sailing science lab and telling us more about how we can make a cleaner, healthier world.  Hosted by Cath Little and Christine Watkins
£8/£6 on the door.

19th-20th  Story Van at Whirly Fayre

24th-27th  Canu’r Adeilad performances at Old College, Aberystwyth with Sianed Jones and Ailsa Mair Hughes during Ceredigion Art Trail


30th, 31st  Evening story workshops with Institute of Physics in Swansea.